Orem 9th Ward Camp

Orem 9th Ward Camp

Monday, January 18, 2010

Changes to the Orem 9th Bishopric

New changes to the O9 Bishopric Counselors yesterday Sunday Jan 17th 2010. Bro. Mote Siufanua Jr was released as 1st the Counselor to the Bishopric. Bro. Walter Foster was called as the 1st Counselor and also Bro. Brandon Dollar was called to be the new Ward Clerk. Bro. Siufanua was called last week to the Stake High Councilor during Stake Conference. The Siufanua family also had the opportunity to do our sacrament program. They did and awesome Job talking about the importance of family. With the new changes today, I know that Orem 9thWard will be in good hands. The work of the Lord will move forward.